Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I'm Back!

Shortly after I launched Brown Baby Gumbo in 2010, I founded Parade magazine's original mom blog: Modern Mommy and was unable to dedicate time to BBG, but now I'm back and ready to take you on my still new journey of motherhood.

As my first post points out, Ava was only a few months old, but now she's a little over 2 years old! Full of personality and a whole lotta of sass, Ava keeps me on my toes. Thanks to her occasional outbursts and tear-filled tantrums, I can certainly attest that the legend of the "Terrible Twos" is true!

Nonetheless, she is the pure joy of my life and will forever be.

Ava earlier this month.

Did your child go through the "Terrible Twos" stage?

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